Greetings to all Appraisers,
As we share the cheer and joy of the Holiday Season, we at CoAA look warmly back on 2017 and its membership. Over the past year, we have been steadfast in our collective efforts to improve the atmosphere, across all landscapes, within our Profession. As in past years, we have made strides to initiate Legislative Action regarding protections for Appraisers against frivolous lawsuits and sought to clarify language of the Regulatory authority, amidst opposition. We are preparing to continue this pursuit with earnest in 2018, in conjunction with our internal and external Lobbyist, Legal Counsel, other AZ groups and State Representative from the Appraisal Institute. CoAA has been aligned with National and State organizations and Similar coalitions to successfully elevate the voice of our membership on a National level. It is by the “boots on the ground” effort that positive changes are being made. It is not by any small feat, that progress and change evolve from a big voice.
In 2017, CoAA monthly meetings were attended in impressive numbers, by Active appraisers with 1 year to 50 years of experience, Lenders, Realtors, AMCs and those considering entering the Profession. The meetings and gatherings were created to cover a host of topics of interest to our membership. Together, we broke bread at various venues across the Valley highlighting topics such as “Covering Your Appraisal” in which our membership offered the group a view into working knowledge and examples of how Quality reports, should be developed. We also took the time to review, dissect and understand the latest versions of industry contracts and purchase agreements. During the summer we heard from State and Federal employees regarding issues surrounding Superfund Sites and how our reports could be impacted. In our ever-evolving industry; we took time to share methods for increasing efficiencies and report credibility. The benefit from these meetings, as expressed by the membership,was invaluable.
The Government Relations Committee for the 2018 calendar is currently taking shape to, once again, bringing our voice to the Legislative table. We are confident that collectively our objectivity and persistence will prevail. CoAA’s Education Committee is devising its curriculum(s) for multiple CE offerings. CoAA's commitment and advocacy to the new generation of appraisers is moving to the forefront in 2018, with the assembly of our proposed guidance and review committee. In the end, committee involvement is at the heart of CoAA, with our Volunteers playing a significant role as we work together to fulfill our mission and goals.
When appraisers like you and I think of the CoAA, you get the understanding that it’s more than just another association, it’s a cause. CoAA is an organization that, thanks to your support, continues to strengthen the community of appraisers consisting of your peers in AZ and across the country.
We hope that if you’re not a member, you consider becoming a member https://www.azcoaa.us/join-us.
Be a part of what’s great about this profession and join your voice with fellow Arizona Appraisers.
Seasons Greetings, Blessings and Gratitude,