I hope 2016 has been profitable for all of you. There have been many changes including making sure your fee is appropriate now that lenders are dealing with TRID. You may have noticed the NAIFA and CoAA are holding joint meetings. Mark the first Wednesday, of each month, to join us for information and networking. Since there is no information coming from the DFI-Real Estate Appraisal Division via a newsletter, it is imperative that you come to meetings to get that information. 2016 appraisal statute changes are found in HB2560. Go to
www.AZleg.gov to follow its progress through the legislative system. There are several USPAP update classes being offered in February. Sign up for one so you will be in compliance. Watch for the meeting notice for March as we will have a real estate attorney as our speaker.
Ann Susko

- Fresh lime wedge (optional)
- Margarita salt (optional)
- 1/3 cup fresh lime juice*
- 3 tablespoons orange liqueur
- 2 tablespoons tequila
- 1/3 to 1/2 cup powdered sugar
- Ice & Garnish: lime slice
Headscratcher of the month! What's the adjustment?